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Migraine Headaches

Migraine headaches are known medically to be a symptom associated with the presence of excessive amounts of the brain chemical serotonin, so the medical approach is to try to limit serotonin production or to use analgesic drugs to dull the pain. Medicine has been unable to come up with any treatment that offers more than partial and temporary relief. Since migraines seem to occur more in some families than others, it is widely assumed that they are genetic in origin and the top experts in the field are proposing a possible cure “when we find the gene.”

In fact, the most common cause of migraines is a loss of normal cranial bone movement. The cranium, or skull, is composed of a collection of bones that, in cadavers, appear to be fused into one functional unit. In people who have not yet reached cadaver status, however, these various bones move with respect to one another in a process called cranial respiration. This is the system by which the cerebrospinal fluid is continuously pumped around the brain and spinal cord to supply nutrition and remove toxic metabolic products. If this pump is not working properly, the brain is in a suboptimal environment and migraines will likely result.

Finding faults in cranial mechanics and reinstating normal motion is usually quite simple, and total permanent resolution of migraines is the most common outcome.